* Fix field discrepancies by replacing C:\Program Files (x86)\Encompass\documents\EncompassFields.dat
New Fields added in Encompass (diff from Encompass 9.0.0)
1. 3872 - 3875 - Lock Request Adjustable Rate.
2. 3876 - 3877 - Late Fee.
3. 3878 - Underwritten According to Contractual Agreement with Agency/GSE
4. 3879 - Received Waiver for Agency/GSE Guidelines
5. 3880 - Manually Underwritten according to Agency/GSE Guidelines
6. 3887 - Disclosed Daily Interest Charges
7. AB0001 - AB0028 - Affiliated Business Arrangements.
8. AUS.EFOLDERGUID - AUS Tracking - eFolder GUID
9. Borr.OccupancyIntent, CoBorr.OccupancyIntent.
10. COMPLIANCEREVIEW.X18 - Mavent Compliance Review ATR/QM Result
11. DISCLOSURE.X1074 - DISCLOSURE.X1075 - PMI Descriptions.
12. DISCLOSURE.X1076 - DISCLOSURE.X1080 - Subordination.
13. DISCLOSURE.X1081 - New York State Specific Disclosure - Lien 1 - Mortgage Recorded On Date
14. DISCLOSURE.X1082 - New York State Specific Disclosure - Lien 1 - Mortgage Recorded Title
15. DISCLOSURE.X1083 - New York State Specific Disclosure - Lien 1 - Mortgage Recorded Jurisdiction
16. DISCLOSURE.X1084 - New York State Specific Disclosure - Lien 1 - Mortgage Recorded Description
17. DISCLOSURE.X1085 - New York State Specific Disclosure - Lien 2 - Mortgage Recorded On Date
18. DISCLOSURE.X1086 - New York State Specific Disclosure - Lien 2 - Mortgage Recorded Title
19. DISCLOSURE.X1087 - New York State Specific Disclosure - Lien 2 - Mortgage Recorded Jurisdiction
20. DISCLOSURE.X1088 - New York State Specific Disclosure - Lien 2 - Mortgage Recorded Description
21. HC0001 - HC0017 - Home Counseling Provider.
22. HC0099 - Home Counseling Provider - Agency ID
23. HOC.X1 - HOC.X20 - Home Counseling Provider.
25. MCAWPUR.X29 - FHA Repairs or Improvement Amount.
26. NEWHUD.X1724 - Owner's Title Insurance Paid To Affiliate Amount
27. NEWHUD.X1725 - Lender's Title Insurance Paid To Affiliate Amount
28. QM.X364 - QM.X370 - ATR QM - Bona Fide / Rate Reduction Points.
29. QM.X371 - QM.X372 - ATR QM - Broker Compensation.
30. QM.X373 - ATR QM - Qualification - Fully Index Rate Monthly Payment
31. SERVICE.X139 - Intrm Serv Purchase Advice Summary Principal.
32. TR0012 - TR0014 - Vesting Party - POA.
33. ULDD.FNM.SectionOfAct - ULDD Fannie Section of the Act.
34. ULDD.FRE.SectionOfAct - ULDD Freddie Section of the Act.
35. USDA.X200 - USDA.X216 - USDA Income Caluclation.